When Google's web browser, Chrome, was first released I felt compelled to try it
out, and I really liked it. Chrome's default layout was simple, efficient, uncluttered.
There was no menu bar at the top of the browser, which left an extra
inch or two of vertical space for viewing web pages, and that was
really nice. Chrome quickly replaced Firefox as my favorite web browser, but the switch wasn't permanent.
Chrome seemed like a speedy browser like Google advertised, but there were a few occasions each day where Chrome would just lock up and not respond for a minute or more. It seems like several other users have seen this problem, too. Locking up more than once per day was a deal killer. I switched back to Firefox after a week or two.
Since then, I've tried Chrome a few more times to see if the problem has been resolved, but it hasn't. The experience has been the same each time. I use it for a few days to give it a fair shot, but then the hangs become too irritating to endure. It would be nice if Google fixed the problem.
Update (03/12/2010): I started trying v4 ( about 2 weeks ago. The hangs seem to be fixed. There was a lot of finger pointing at Flash as the cause of Chrome's hangs in prior versions. One thing that I've noticed in v4 is that there are a lot more errors coming out of web pages that use Flash.
yeah agree...i have tried google chrome but..i keep closing my window accidently and its annoying. and i think we need master password also. lol yeah myself cant wait when google will update chrome.
Posted by: RichaRie | November 27, 2009 at 10:33 AM